Kindness Warmed Me More Than the Sun

Day 27 Accra, Ghana. As I walked 3km to the nearest ATM machine I noted the deep divide. Roman Ridge, one expensive appointed apartment building or mansion after the other behind tall concrete walls, wrought iron gates tightly locked. None of the occupants in sight....

Positive Attitude, is it ever too much of a good thing?

Here in Ghana people smile. A lot. Even when the most frustrating and difficult challenges arise. I’ve heard it said, nearly every day, “What shall we do? Cry? No, it is better we smile and laugh. Why cry and get angry? What will that do?” I hear...

Taking photos with my eyes

Today I took hundreds of pictures with my eyes because I was told I could not them with my camera as we wove our way through Neema to the tro-tro station. We walked through narrow pathways between small corrugated tin-roofed homes and shops, across a wooden bridge...

Day 3 and a Recipe!

Day 3 Accra, Ghana. Slept until the unheard of hour of 7.30am. Refreshing! Breakfast of tea and fried egg with tomato and pepper on toast.   Michael the taxi driver collected me at 9am; we wove through another traffic jam and I admired the ongoing construction in...

Traveling by Tro-tro…

Highlights from my first 3 days donating programs in Ghana and co-creating the Book, Ghana is… It is difficult to upload photos from here, so you will need to create your own photos from the words below:   A breakfast of fresh pineapple and hot tea. ...

Literacy Outreach Ghana & Collecting True Tales of Innovation

After nearly 2 years of planning tonight I fly to Accra, Ghana to donate literacy workshops for 6 libraries and community centers partnering with Osu Children’s Library Fund and to share Artfully AWARE’s Story Book Project collecting True Tales of...

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