“We become the stories we tell.” I would add “and share.”
Think about this for a moment. What stories and experiences are you telling and sharing? Are they filled with fear and doom & gloom? Or are they hopeful, empowering and uplifting, sharing the potential to take small action? Are they insightful or inciteful?
It really is up to each one of us what stories, experiences and information we share each day. And our choices make an impact. Not only on ourselves but on those around us. Are we seeking to engage or enrage? Are we seeking to have conversations or shout our own thoughts and opinions?
With Storytelling comes great power and responsibility, I ask each of us to use it wisely. I also ask us to consider: are the stories we share serving ourselves and others? Is it time to change the story we are telling?
In the end, we are each the author of our own story. We have control over which role we play and where the storyline goes. If you don’t like the current story you are telling or the role you are playing, perhaps it is time to begin a new chapter. Go ahead, turn the page.
As for me, I am focusing on sharing stories and experiences that highlight hope, share kindnesses or gifts of skills given and received. I also share positive projects created by individuals that serve to uplift others. I am also sharing small actions that can be taken with the goal of empowering others to see their own power. For the most part, I am doing this one person, one conversation at a time in various circles. Often this is enough.
I’d love to hear what stories and experiences you are sharing to spread hope and light in what can seem like darker days.
Hugs from my heart to yours,