Greetings Superheroes!
On this day of ComicCon, may YOU all Release YOUR Inner Superheroes!
BE SUPER in YOUR Community:
Share a HUG, a Smile, a Parking Space, Happily Merge on the Highway, Compliment someone, Pay someone’s Toll, Tip Generously… It only takes a few seconds to make someone’s Day SUPER!

To CELEBRATE the Annual Superhero Big Wheel Race: Borrow a Big Wheel or Tricycle, Ride it, Smile, Laugh. For Extra FUN, dress as a Superhero! Take Photos, Share them here or on facebook

BE SUPER and Support Literacy Outreach:

Here are several ways:

1. Even if you cannot attend the Superhero Big Wheel Race FUNdraiser at Lehigh University, tomorrow OCTOBER 13th, you CAN Still BE SUPER and make a Donation right here on my website. Just click the Donate Button. Every dollar directly supports the expansion of volunteer project Literacy Outreach Goes to Africa; specifically to Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana. My lil Heart Thanks you!

2. Host a Superhero Big Wheel Race in YOUR community: I’d love to help you and Race with YOU!

3. Host a Superhero 101 CD Release Party or House Concert.

Email me and let’s make it Happen!

I’m off to perform in Paris, attend the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in Edinburgh, guest lecture at Queen’s College in Belfast and visit the birthplace of my Great Great Grandfather Martin Quigney, who left Tulla, Ireland in 1852 on a famine ship bound for the US of A.

See you Back in the US November 5th, just in time to VOTE!


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