Wow, it is already such a pleasure being here in Bogota, a beautiful city of antique and modern mixed together. I’ve had dinner with Natalia Cuenca, the Directory of Quiero Cuento and met her storytelling sister, Hanna. There is much excitement about the start of Quiero Cuento Storytelling Festival this Saturday evening. Here is the link:Festival Quiero Cuento
Today I am practicing several stories from South America as I perform bilingually beginning tomorrow at a library program for children. Fortunately, I will have a translator because my Spanish is still like that of a young child, pero mejor que nada!
The Festival will include performances at libraries, universities, prisons, public spaces and will even be performing on a Train in and out of Bogota! The festival will travel to Buena Ventura a coastal city with a high rate of poverty, but also a JOY for storytelling.
More coming soon, including photos and videos so stay tuned!