Compassion for Everyone. Love for Everyone. This is so beautifully stated. ♥ and Hugs and Hope. This is the Story we should ALL be sharing right now.

In light of current events and in honor of All Affected by what happened this is what I, Kristin, a Storyteller, have to offer:
Dear Friends,

In light of the horrific event on Friday and the healing we all need:
As you all Know, We are Desperate to Connect, to feel loved, listened to and understood. Please, Continue to do the Good Work you do in connecting through whatever Your gift is. And please Listen to whomever needs to share their story with you. Hold compassion in your heart.

I’ll do the same and share more Free H
ugs and stories of hope and healing. The hugs may seem insignificant to some, however, the truth is strangers have shared the most intimate details of their lives while embraced. So desperate to connect they tell a woman they’ve only just met.

Let’s all continue to take the time to be there for Everyone; our neighbors, co-workers, friends, family, each other. We All need and Deserve to be loved and heard. My heart goes out to All affected by Friday’s event. We are a deeply wounded, broken people in need of a massive overhaul. Let’s build the bridges between. Take the time to listen when someone’s in pain. Share Hope and Healing. One by One We Can Do something to change the current state of affairs. Hug. Share HUGS, tell the people you love, that you love them. Share Hope. That’s all we’ve got left, and it is a start.
I love you.

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