It’s been an incredible journey volunteering on this the Lucky #13 trip to Belize.
Things are going GREAT on the volunteer trip in Belize, it is indeed Lucky # 13, although the internet connection (and thus not being able to post photographs) has been a real challenge. 🙂
Here’s the scoop of all that’s been accomplished in 2 weeks:
January 8th Landed in Belize and hit the ground running!
I presented Creative Writing Using Belizean Legends at 2 Primary Schools for 340 students (that includes editing all stories overnight so the students can see the areas where they need improvement and receive immediate feedback on what they did well; whew! 🙂 I also did storytelling sessions for another 80 students in the Infant division, which is like Kindergarten and 1st grade. So much fun!
Teacher Training at 2 Colleges in two different regions of Belize for 168 teachers on both Storytelling and Using Creative Legends in the Classroom.
A collaborative storytelling program at San Ignacio Library for 70 Primary School Children with a Librarian I trained back in 2006 who is now doing storytelling on her own and training other librarians :).
To top it off: We’ve filmed Every training session & workshop. Huge thank yous to Matthiew Klinck and Robin Reichert!
Today Matt and I begin the editing process for the Training Videos as promised. Can’t wait to share the finished videos with you all!
It’s been many 10 to 14 hour days, especially when working with the students’ writing because they all speak English as a second or third language.but it’s been very well received and completely fulfilling to see the depth of talent both students and teachers possess here and to witness Belilzean Educators become inspired and willing to share what they’ve learned with their students!
More to come!