New Year, We Become the Stories We Tell & Share

“We become the stories we tell.” I would add “and share.” Think about this for a moment. What stories and experiences are you telling and sharing? Are they filled with fear and doom & gloom? Or are they hopeful, empowering and uplifting,...

Election 2016: You might be surprised, We all want the same thing!

We all want the same thing. You might be surprised that’s what I learned today sharing FREE HUGS at a polling station in Allentown, PA where Trump signs prevail in a blue collar town. As they exited and walked to their cars, I thanked every person for voting....

What I’ve Learned Working at the World Bank

It’s been ages since I’ve written a post here. I’ve been working at the World Bank as a Storytelling Consultant. It’s been such a great learning experience. I teach presentation skills: how to use the TED Talks style to be more clear, concise,...

Kindness on a Corner

He stood on the corner looking a lot like Santa Claus, a smile on his face and a cup outstretched in his hands. I smiled back and asked if he was hungry and would he like to go somewhere and share a sandwich. He responded with a bigger smile and a resounding YES. His...

The Power of Story to Build a Bridge: Iran & USA

Two weeks ago I had the honor to be the 1st American selected to present at the Kanoon International Storytelling Festival in Kermanshah, Iran. Grateful does not even begin to express my feelings regarding this blessing. Two weeks later my heart and mind continue to...

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