Dear 2014,
You were heart, mind and soul expanding. You were challenging. And sometimes frustrating. And dark. And then light again. I learned a lot from you about myself, about others, about this wonderful world we live in. We grew together. We grew apart. We made it through the mud. We remembered to celebrate the small things. We faced inner demons and let them out. We loved. We lost. We re-grouped and re-bounded. We danced. We sang. We told Stories. We met amazing new friends. We reconnected with old friends. We made peace with puzzles in our past.

We discovered the truth about Dad. We discovered more truth about ourselves.
We loved some more. We reached out. We reached through. We Hugged. We traveled. We drank assorted beverages. We leaped across comfort zones. We crawled back inward. We leaped out again. We moved, twice to 2 new States within 3 months. And always we blew bubbles. We shared joy. We shared struggles. We never stopped growing. Grateful for everyone who was a part of this up, down, turn around year.

Thank you 2014. And 2015, it will be nice to meet you soon. I look forward to this next chapter.


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