Yes, it’s true, Perseverance & Possibility in Kenya is now available for purchase on Amazon! I barely believed it when I clicked on the link. A Dream come True! And I want to share it with you. This is deeply important to me; the stories within these pages...
Persistence + Passion = Possibility This was Definitely my experience in Kenya. I met so many inherently talented people dedicated to contributing their Gifts to lift up their communities and in turn their Country. I met Painters and Poets. Storytellers and...
You might not expect such vibrancy, creativity and positivity in one of the largest slums in East Africa, but that is exactly what you will find in Kibera all wrapped up in a huge heap of HOPE. I had the pleasure of spending four days at UWEZA Foundation, created by...
Arte Sin Fronteras, Art Without Frontiers is located in one of the poorest barrios in Bogota Colombia. The people face enormous daily struggles including gang violence, drug cartels and extreme poverty. However, the children are children, just like in every other city...